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Q: Why is one Oscar fish protecting the other?
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Can Oscar fish live with algae eater fish?

Yes, I have had lots of experience with Oscars. One of mine died recently from a sickness. Algae eater fish are not dominant, in this case the Oscar does not take it as a threat and does not bother it. The answer to your question is yes, an Oscar can live with an algae eater fish.

Do Oscar kill other Oscar if they are in the same tank?

Young Oscars should be kept in groups of 5 or more of a similar size to avoid too much bullying pressure being put on one fish. The weakest fish will be killed if there are less.

Can sea horses live with Oscar fish in an aquarium?

Yes, keep in mind seahorses are one of the most timid sea creatures.

Why does your Oscar fish move rocks?

Well I'm guessing that you have more than one in the tank, right? If you do I'm sure it's because they are trying to attract one another to breed. Fish attract each other by shaking and flashing their fins.

Can you keep 2 Oscar in a 135 gallon tank with some different fish in the tank ant the weaker one be OK?

It all depends on how much other fish you have in the tank. Oscars need a lot of room so if there's tons of other fish in there it could cause problems. But if you have a couple it would be fine. If its a male Oscar its probably best you don't have them in a tank with any other Oscars. I volunteer at a pet store where they sell the fish so that's how I know this..

How do you tell the sex of Oscar fishes?

There is 1 way to tell on the male Oscar fish there are two small holes where his bum is there is another hole witch will be the same size unless its just had a poo haha but on the female Oscar there is two holes and one is bigger than the other and one is the anus and the othere is you know what hope this helps

What do you feed an Oscar?

You can feed them frozen fish foods, Oscar pellets, and flakes. IT is best you feed them a variety of foods rather than just one.

Where do you buy Oscar fish?

Most pet shops can order them in if they don't have one or two in stock.

What do you do about your Oscar attacking the other one?

Keep them in separate tanks.

Can you put an ocsar fish with communtiy?

Provided the other community fish are also large cichlids and the tank is a very large one (at least 8 foot x 2 foot x 2 foot) they will be OK. Only an idiot would consider placing an Oscar in with small fish.

What are some examples of mutalism and commensalism in a pond?

I think Mutualism would be um.. Fish and other fish. One fish helps the other by protecting it, and the other one shares it"s food with the other fish. It may not be the best answer. Bt its all i could think of.. sorry :P

Shall you keep all Oscar fish in one tank?

If the tank is large enough. For rearing young Oscars a 50 gallon tank is about right for 5 fish.