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proobably because you have a more dominant foot when yoou walk. You can test this by picking a point directly in front of you about 50 metres, close your eyes and try to walk in a straight line. If you drift off to one side, that side is the more dominant leg. To fix it, just becoome aware of it. If you want the other one to be just as big do some single leg rises. Just stand on one leg and rise up and down repeatedly. If you dont want it big, try to stop using it as much and once it gets sore, stretch it out.

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Q: Why is one of the calves bigger than the other of the leg?
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One leg fatter than the other leg?

well one leg cant be "fatter" than the other, but in the human body one side seems to be larger then the other. for instance: one eye might be a tad bigger then the other or one foot might seem bigger. catch my drift? If your leg is in fact "fatter" than the other you should go to a doctor to get it checked out, it could be a tumor that is making your leg look larger.

Can I fix a calves broken left rear leg between the joint and hoof?

NO, you can fox a calves broken left rear leg

Why is a cows leg larger than a humans?

Because a cow is much bigger than a human!

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What leg muscles cause you to jump and how?

The quads, glutes, adductors and calves

Are there any football players with one leg bigger than the other?

Yes the Brazilian footballer Garincha had a leg smaller then the other. But it made no difference to him, he harassed the apponents with his magical movements. The word means Wren , he was called a little bird , because of his size.

Why would a leg lengthening be required?

a leg bone grows more slowly in one leg than on the other leg.

What is a knee?

The little nobby thing in the middle of your leg. It allows movement of the calves and feet.

Which is a sign of peripheral artery disease?

Leg pain. Itching, burning or aching in the calves.

Do calves wrap around your leg when they grow stronger?

No. Calves are the large muscles on the back side of your lower leg. They can grow and shrink, but they will never wrap around to the front. There are different muscles in the front, and they might possibly touch, but they'll never wrap around. Muscles are connected to bones by tendons, and in order for a muscle to actually wrap around a leg, it would have to disconnect a tendon and somehow move it around to the other side.

A right triangle has a hypotenuse of 10 cm and one leg that measures 5 to the 3rd power what is the length to the other leg?

The hypotenuse must be longer than the other other leg.

Does arthritis cause pain in the calves of the leg?

Arthritis is a condition affecting joints, not muscles, so pain would be located in a joint, not in the calves. However, having a painful arthritic joint could lead to excessive or abnormal straining of the calves and thus, indirectly, to pain in the calves as well as the joint itself.