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Q: Why is the contraceptive pill is more reliable than the rhythm method?
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Why is contraceptive pill more reliable than rhythm method?

If you use the pill right it's 99% effective while the rhythm method is not based on the fact that only 12% of all women ovulate on the same day each month and a orgasm can make you start ovulating again. So it can work if you take a ovulation test every day but seeing it that way it's easier just to take the pill.

Why is it important to use more than one contraceptive method?

Because none of them is 100% safe.

Why do some people believe that scientific method is more reliable than revelation?

why the saientific method more relible source own personal experience

What is the most reliable method that astronomers use to estimate the distance to a galaxy?

The Parallax Method. See the link for more info.

Can you get pregnant while on nexplanon implant?

The contraceptive implant does not affect future fertility.

How do you calculate the calendar rhythm method?

It doesn't work... there's an old joke about what you call people who practice the rhythm method, "Mommy and daddy". But if you insist: Find out when the woman ovulates, then only be intimate when you're more than a week away, either before or afterward. But it's almost guaranteed to make you parents. I heard that joke about withdrawal. The rhythm method does work but you have to be very controlled.

Is abortion a method to prevent pregnancy?

Abortion methods should not be confused with methods to prevent pregnancy (contraceptive methods, including emergency contraception). Contraceptive methods work by preventing ovulation (the release of an egg) or by stopping the egg and sperm from meeting. Contraceptive methods, including emergency contraception, cannot be used to terminate or interrupt an established pregnancy. You can visit to learn more about contraceptive methods.

Why isn't withdrawal a reliable method of birth control?

because whether or not a man means to, he let's out a little bit of sperm before ejaculating. he is not aware of when he does this, and it is not really possible to control. because this happens, even if you are very careful about pulling out, there is a higher chance of getting pregnant than if you use other methods of contraceptive. condoms are much more reliable, and very easy to get. also ask your doctor about other kinds of contraceptive, like the pill or shot.

Is the contraceptive method a sin?

Contraceptive just means anything which can prevent conception. Abstinence does this best and abstinence is not a sin. Also, condom use is not regarded as a sin (at least by the vast majority of the world's religions). Even birth control pill use, IUD use and the morning after pill are not considered "sinful" by the majority of people (although there is more controversy regarding use of the morning after pill - than with any other contraceptive method except abortion).

What is safer copper-t or contraceptive pills?

For me it was but there is some complications associated with it...

How would you describe the purpose of the scientific method-?

The purpose of scientific method is to build confidence in one's ability draw conclusions. Having a standardized method makes the conclusions more reliable.

Can anyone give me information about all contraceptive methods?

Find My Method provides all the important information about different contraceptive methods on their website There are 18 different contraceptive methods to choose from, including hormonal and non-hormonal options with short, medium and long term protection. Pick the one that suits you best. You can contact at for more information.