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The Garden of the Fugitives is a section in Pompeii, an ancient ruin of a Roman city, near modern Naples. Pompeii was destroyed and completely buried during an eruption of the volcano of Mount Vesuvius which happened over 2 days, in the year 79 AD.

The Garden of the Fugitives is a poignant part of the site, which provides a touching sculptural representation of the victims of the eruption. In 1961, 13 hollow spaces were found in the hardened layers of ash and debris. When plaster was poured into these, it created the statues of the 13 people who had died there.

Archaelogists determined that these 13 people had died on the second day of the eruption as they attempted to flee the city. The location where these bodies were created became known as the Garden of the Fugitives.

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