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The assumption raised by the question may or may not be correct. State and city data can and does vary from one year to the next and a comprehensive set of data on which to make an analysis that is all inclusive is rarely available until 5 or more years after the fact. Any statistical analysis that begins with an incomplete, flawed or inaccurate data base will yield garbage. (Garbage in and garbage out.) The 2004 US suicide statistics ranks Alaska as #1, Montana as #2, Nevada as #3 and Washington as #18 tied with Tennessee. Colorado which consistently ranks at or near the top in regards to a healthy population is ranked as having the sixth highest rate of suicides. If a cause like Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) was to blame, then Alaska, Washington and Oregon should be in lock-step. (They aren't. Oregon ranked #10, and how do you explain the presence of Alaska (The Last Frontier), Montana (Big Sky Country), Wyoming (Cowboy State),Colorado (Rocky Mountain High), Idaho (Let it be forever), and Utah (Industry) all ranking in the top ten for suicides.)

The 2005 US suicide statistics ranks the top ten as:




New Mexico.





South Dakota.

Oregon. Washington ranked 21st in 2005.

The truth is that the very small number of suicides makes for faulty analysis. A very small shift in the cluster of numbers can distort the "Big Picture". In the United States, 1.3% of all deaths are are from suicide and on average, someone commits suicide every 16 minutes. Suicide ranks as the 11th leading cause of death. Suicide is the third leading cause of death among young people aging between 15 and 24 behind accidents and homicides. Four males die of suicide for each female and there are 800,000 suicide attempts each year. Some generalities can be valid and others are unproven while a third set are only interesting, like for example that Doctors are the leading category of suicide victims, that they almost never use a gun and that the number of women Doctors who attempt suicide succeed at the same rate as their male counterparts. It is a stressful occupation and they have ready access to both the knowledge and the pharmaceuticals required.

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Q: Why is the suicide rate high in Seattle Washington?
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Why is the suicide rate so high in Seattle Washington?

***Seattle is not in the top ten suicide rated cities in the US. But it has had an increase of youth suicide recently. **** Youth or not, it's still suicide

Is Seattle the most suicidal city?

Does Seattle have a high suicide rate? Please read the following: The question does not make sense because the concept of "high suicide rate" is not defined in this question. A better question would be "Why does Seattle have the suicide rate that it does?" Continue reading to formulate an even better question as stated below. The way the question is worded is based on a fallacy called "Baiting the Question" where a question is asked based on an assumption (Seattle has a High Suicide rate) that isn't proven or who's basis isn't defined (QED a "high" suicide rate.) it is also noted that all Cities have suicides, and thus have suicide rates. The question is worded such that it "baits" the reader into a discussion of high suicides rates in Seattle without acknowledging that "high" is defined. Compared to at least 15 other US cities, Seattle's suicide rate is lower. Those cities are as follows, with the reference listed: 15. Tulsa 14. Phoenix 13. Fresno 12. Portland 11. Pittsburgh 10. Wichita 9. Jacksonville 8. Denver 7. Miami 6. Mesa 5. Albuquerque 4. Sacramanto 3. Tucson 2. Colorado Springs 1. Las Vegas ref: Thus, each of the cities above has a higher suicide rate than does Seattle. Of course this list changes a bit from year to year; however, it is doubtful that Seattle is in the top 15 from year to year. Now, if you reword the question by saying "why does Phoenix have a higher suicide rate than does Seattle?" or "why does Miami have a higher suicide rate than does Seattle?" you place the question more in perspective. From: A critical reader.

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Not consistently. It varies from year to year.

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Really high

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not high enough

What is the tax rate for Seattle Washington?

It was 9.5% at the time of this post. 'Sources and related links' below has the current rate.

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What is the suicide rate for gay teens?

According to Wikipedia, it is stated the homosexual teenagers and teenage LGBT have a suicide rate four times as high as the average heterosexual.A recent study in Taiwan shows that 25% of LGBT have attempted suicide, though the validity of this study has been questioned due to its abnormally high rate.