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Q: Why is there blue celery in the classroom?
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What color is celery?

Celery can change color if you put the ends of it in food coloring such as a blue, or red.

What effects do leaves have on water movement in a celery?

the affects they have are that since the leaves have the green coloring, the blue water mixes with the green for the celery to be produed.

What happens when a celery stock is in blue and red food coloring?

== == == ==

What is a Color that's stars with a?

Cyan- its a shade of blue chartreuse (a shade of green) celery

What will happen if you put a celery stalk in water colored blue from food coloring?

The Veins Will Turn Blue

What is a color that stars with letter c?

Cyan- its a shade of blue chartreuse (a shade of green) celery

A stalk of celery is placed in a solution of blue colored dye After one hour the leaves have blue fluid in their veins Which property of water is being demonstrated?

Adhesion and Cohesion

What is the original purpose of blue cheese and celery with hot wings?

This is just a guess - but I've eaten a lot of hot wings, and it seems like the blue cheese and celery are there to kind of "cool off" your mouth in between bites of the hot wings, and also it kind of "cleanses the palate" so you can get the full flavor of the wings.

What part of speech is celery?

Celery is a noun. A sentence with celery in it is: The celery was mushy. A noun is a person place or thing. Celery is a thing which makes it a noun.

Where can i view a labeled diagram of celery?

Lots of pictures of celery via the Related Link.

What is the difference between celery salt and celery powder?

can you substitute celery salt for celery powder? If so what is the ratio.

Where does celery live?

Celery is grown in the ground; the celery sprouts above the soil.