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Because he hasn't done anything good. Al Gore didn't deserve the Nobel Prize he got either, but he's done more than Obama.

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Q: Why is there some controversy over the acceptance of the Nobel Peace Prize by President Obama?
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Which town did Obama get peace nobel?

Obama went to Oslo, Norway to make his acceptance speech and get his prize.

Why did President Obama say war is necessary in his Nobel peace Prize acceptance speech?

Why don't you ask him? But war is a necessary part of life as long as there is a reason

Can you give me a sentence with the word controversy?

Heres a sentence: Can you define controversy? or There is a controversy going on about President Obama.

Did obama receive any awards?

He was awarded the nobel peace prize, there was much controversy over this.

Is Barack Obama a president?

He is the 44th U.S. president and won the nobel peace prizeBarack Obama is the United State's current president

How old was President Obama when he won the nobel prize?

he was 48

What recent president won the Nobel Peace Prize?

it was OBAMA

Who was the fourth president to win the Nobel Peace Prize?

Obama was the fourth president to win the nobel peace prize. He won it in 2009.

Witch president received a Nobel Peace Prize?

Barack Obama

Where did President Obama receive Nobel Peace Prize?

First, what it probably sounds like "noble", it is actually Nobel-- named after a famous Norwegian engineer and inventor, Alfred Nobel. Mr. Obama won the peace prize in 2009, for his commitment to international diplomacy.

Who was the fourth US president to receive the Nobel Peace Prize?

barack obama

Are there any Nobel Prize winners living in the US?

President Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize and he lives in the U.S.