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Discharge........its wierd and nasty but it happens

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Q: Why is there white stuff in your underwear everyday if you have already started your period?
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How can you tell if you started your period?

Blood will appear on your underwear

How much longer will it take for you to get your period?

I have started growing breasts, I have started growing hair under my arms and in my pubic area. I get discharge in my underwear almost everyday and it has gone from just a wet spot, to a small blob of white boogers. How long before I get my period? I want to be ready.

Why do you have white stuff in your underwear everyday?

It says that your period is going to start soon. Discuss with a parent or and older female relative to see when they started going through puberty. It will probably occur at around the same time because of genetics.

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How do you know if you have started you period?

you will see red or brown marks in your underwear if its yellow its just discharge and if its green go and see a doc!!

How do you know if you started your period?

To all the people who don't no when you have started your period you will see blood in your underwear so make sure you check your underwear if you don't start your period by the time you turn 13 than you need to go and see your doctor. first u have cramps them u get a bit of wetness in your undies so if u feel that tell your mom or a women close to u. your vagina will start bleeeding

What does it mean when you have slimy stuff in your underwear but have not started your periods yet?

It means it's a warning and signs of periods it will stop about 4-7 days then you have your period

You keep finding dark dark brown stuff in your underwear your only 12 so you don't think its your period really gross what is it?

That sounds alot like a period, when i started mine at 11, i kept javing very dark stains in my underwear and thought i was just really dirty. But it was menstruation.

What does it mean if my period has started but isn't on everyday?

It means that the period last only a few days not the whole period it should last.

When do you know when you have started your periods?

You know you have started your period when you see spots of blood on your underwear. most of the time you first starrt spotting then you know you have started it. but some people also get menstral cramps or boobs hurt, also even you get back aches.

SPOtting while on your period what does that mean?

Like your blood is on your underwear while you have your period.

If you stopped your pill early and got your period and still had a week left would your next period go by your actual period or by the time you were supose to get your period?

i have already started so in your face lol