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You say it's "not that unhealthy" - okay let's look at some official United Nations statistics:

  • 56% of heart attacks are caused by smoking
  • 66% of lung cancer is caused by smoking
  • 74% of throat cancer is caused by smoking
  • 49% of mouth cancer is caused by smoking
  • 50% of bladder cancer is caused by smoking
  • 71% of kidney cancer is caused by smoking
  • 40% of stomach cancer is caused by smoking
  • 40% of testes (testicle) cancer is caused by smoking
  • 45% of cervix cancer is caused by smoking
  • 51% of Breast cancer is caused by smoking
  • 53% of prostrate cancer is caused by smoking
  • 43% of respiratory arrests are caused by smoking
  • 39% of miscarriages are caused by smoking
  • 71% of male smokers suffer infertility at some point in their lives
  • 74% of female smokers suffer infertility at some point in their lives
  • 100% of smokers suffer from mild to chronic coughing
  • 100% of smokers have permanently damaged lungs preventing them running long distances or holding their breath
  • 98% of smokers have "dead skin" around their fingers caused by nicotine poisoning (yellow fingers)
  • 95% of smokers suffer tooth decay. 64% of that 95% have false teeth by the age of 30
  • 100% of smokers suffer fatty build-ups in arteries, causing blood pressure issues
  • 92% of children who hang around smoking parents have a below average IQ

This list can go on forever. Your statement in the question is incorrect. It is indeed a big deal. So much of a deal that many countries have made underage smoking a jailable offence. It is also illegal in a lot of countries to smoke in a car, public place or public building. Tax on tobacco is also at least between 3%-8% higher than tax on other items such as alcohol.

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Q: Why is tobacco use so unhealthy for teenagers What is the big deal about teens smoking anyways right it's not that unhealthy or is it explain the dangers of tobacco use?
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