

Why is your cat trying to eat you?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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Cats don't actually try to eat you, unless they are wild or undomesticated. If a cat bites you, or tries to eat your hair, that is a sign of them thinking you are playing.

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12y ago
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RATS AREN'T EASY TO TAKE CARE OF AND THE CAT WOULD EAT THE RAT --------------------------------- I agree, my neighbors cat ate their rat. ------------------------------------------------------ I think a ferret would be perfect for you. they'll be ready to play when ever you want and i have had no problem with my dog or cat trying to eat her.

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Cat health old age eating disorder?

As cats get older, they are more prone to infections. If they have an infection in the mouth, they may not wish to eat. This is called anorexia and is a serious symptom. Please, take your cat to the vet. If it will not eat after a few more days of hard trying, it is time to put the cat down.

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IT doesn't eat pooh. No cat eats pooh it eats cat food.