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Because after you have finished the series of the antibiotic you are taking, the antibiotic is still working for about 3 to 5 days after you have taken you last pill.

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Q: Why is your white blood cell count always high even after antibiotics?
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What does it mean when antibiotics is not dropping ur white blood cell count its getting higher instead?

When you get sick, your white blood cell count is higher than normal your immune system, your white blood cell count can drop to very low levels.

How do you improve WBC?

To improve white blood count, you likely want to get on antibiotics. This can help you to fight off the white blood cells and return to normal levels.

What might a higher count of white blood cells indicator?

too much of white blood cells doesn't always mean a good thing. A high white blood cell count (also called leukocytosis) isn't a specific disease but could indicate an underlying problem. This is why high white blood cell count always requires further medical evaluation.

What is average white blood count?

The average adult white blood count is from 3,200-9,800

Is 7.3 white blood cells count good?

A white blood cell count of 7.3 is within the normal range for adults, which typically ranges from 4.5 to 11.0 x 10^9 cells/L. However, interpretation of white blood cell counts should be done in context with other clinical findings and individual health status.

What does a white blood cell count of 10.6 mean?

white blood cell count is 11.7 what does this mean?

Would appendicitis show up on a blood test?

yes.And the white blood cell will count very high due to the infection of apendicsus.

Why do you have high white blood cellsand what causes their any cure?

An elevated white blood cell count can be an indication of; Quote; * Infection * Use of certain medications, such as corticosteroids, antibiotics or anti-seizure drugs * Severe physical or emotional stress * Chronic bone marrow diseases such as a myeloproliferative disorder * Acute or chronic leukemia * Tissue damage, such as from burns These conditions can, of course, be treated, bringing the count down to normal. Furthermore, a differential white blood cell count can give more information. In this count the percentages of the different white cells are determined.

Will chickenpox alter a full blood count?

Chickenpox is likely to increase the white blood count in a full blood count.

Would you answer a simple question for me I recently had my blood tested and the dr. called and said that my white cells are a bit low should I worry about this?

Many people can have a low white blood cells and this can mean the start of anemia, or you are fighting off a slight infection. Your doctor is calling you back in to either do a repeat test on your white blood cells or may want to check you out for anemia or infections. NO, there is no reason to worry. If your white blood cell count is high then there is something going on. Antibiotics can cause a slightly low white blood count as well as other medications. My husband had a low white blood cell count and it from caused from antibiotics and stress on his body, but he's up to the range of normal now and so will you be. Good luck hon, and let us know how you made out.

What does low white cells and high red blood cells mean?

Someone who has a low white blood cell count indicates they have a suppressed immune system. White blood cells work to fight off disease. If somebody has a high red blood cell count, it means they have large count of red blood cells in their system. A high blood cell count can be triggered by various conditions such as heart failure, hypertension, COPD and emphysema.

Can eczema cause low white blood cell count?

Eczema do not cause low white blood cell count.