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The concept of race in the US is mostly driven by skin color.

The "Hispanic" designation indicates a person who derives from a Hispanic culture, from one of the countries of the Hispanic Peninsula (Spain or Portugal) or from one of their former colonies where Spanish or Portuguese is still a major language. Such people include white appearing people with mostly European ancestry, black appearing people with substantial African ancestry, people of Native American ancestry with skin color often described in the past as "red," as well as the children of marriages mixing those groups.

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Q: Why isn't Hispanic considered a race by the US Census?
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Should census bureau reconsider the way it measures race and ethnicity for the census?

The Census Bureau does constantly reconsider the way it measures race and ethnicity for the U.S. Census.The 2010 U.S. Census changed the design to more clearly Hispanic ethnicity as an ethnic category, not a race. This sentence was added: "For this census, Hispanic origins are not races."Hispanic terms were modified from "Hispanic or Latino" to "Hispanic, Latino or Spanish origin".

Which is not a race category identified by the U.S. Census Bureau?


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No. Hispanic racial identity has been historically related to the white race. However, in most modern quantitative measurements (polls, census, etc..), Hispanics are being classified as part of a distinct grouping consisting of Spanish/Latino/Hispanic racial identities.

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No. Mexican is a nationality.

Does the American Indian race include Hispanic?

Some Hispanics are considered part of the caucasion race. You do have many American Indians from South, Central and North America that speak Spanish as hispanic is not actually a race.

What percentage is a kid of a white race and full hispanic?

hispanic is not a race their are white, black, tan,and Asian hispanic

What percent Hispanic do you have to be to mark Hispanic as your race?

There is no specific percentage required to mark Hispanic as your race. It is based on self-identification, so individuals can choose to identify as Hispanic if they feel that it reflects their ethnic or cultural background.

Is it illegal to put hispanic on a ticket for race?

No. While Hispanic is not actually a race, many people confuse race and ethnicity.

If your son is half white and half hispanic what race is he?

Half white and half hispanic, but who cares about race anyway.

Who Is Hispanic Heritage Month Celebrated For?

Hispanic Heritage Month is cccelebrated for all of the hispanic race.

What race is Pope Francis?

He is white (caucasian) of Italian heritage. As he was born and raised in Argentina he is considered as Hispanic heritage also.

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