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Eating insects is not forbidden per Islam religion but it is not eaten in some Muslim countries per country cultures and practices.

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Q: Why isn't insect allowed as food in Muslim culture?
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Nothing in religion says that food is haram or is not allowed to eat if cooked by non Muslim. It is important that the food itself and its cooking gradients are halal and is allowed for eating by Muslims. See related question below for more information.

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Who said Muslims aren't allowed to eat with Hindu's. Of course they're allowed to eat with them but they can't eat haraam food that they may eat.

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In Islam we are able to eat every thing except ham food and every kind of pig ingredients. What a Muslim typically eats has more to do with where he lives than any common "Muslim cuisine".

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There is no food allowed or not allowed by Christians. There are two major teachings about food though. 1. If your culture honors God by eating or not eating certain things, then other Christians are to honor that tradition when in your presence. 2. Your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, so you should feed it with those things that are good for you.

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What Muslims can eat in entree should be according to what is allowed for them eat as food. Refer to related question below for more information.

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It is mentioned in the Quran 2:173 that one can eat food otherwise not allowed, in extreme circumstances.

Is meat halal in Hong Kong?

Meat is halal (allowed) for Muslims anywhere so far meeting the allowed (hala) Muslim food requirements. Refer to the related question, listed below, for more information on what is allowed for Muslims to eat and not eat.

Isn't every food a culture food depending on your race?

A culture food is a food that comes specifically from a certain culture. Like curry is an Indian food. It comes from the Indian culture, so it would be considered a culture food.