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It is too hot for it to snow. (except on Mt. Kilimanjaro)

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12y ago

Most places in Africa don't get snow because it is too warm for the rain to turn into snow. There are a few places in Africa that do receive snow though. One example is Mt. Kilmanjaro.

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Q: Why it does not snow in Africa?
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It is rare for snow to fall near the equator in Africa. However, some high-altitude areas, such as Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania, may experience snow due to the elevation.

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The two mountains in Africa with snow are Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania and the Rwenzori Mountains (also known as the Mountains of the Moon) on the border of Uganda and the Democratic Republic of the Congo.


On the top of Mount Kilimanjaro.

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Its not cold its warm in south Africa :) What about the Drakensburg escarpments, there is snow there in winter

Why is there snow in Africa?

Snow in Africa is typically found on mountain peaks with high elevations, such as Kilimanjaro in Tanzania or the Atlas Mountains in Morocco. These areas reach altitudes where temperatures are cold enough to support snowfall, even in a region known for its warm climate. Snow in Africa is rare and often limited to specific mountainous regions.

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