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It is important to return periwinkle snail shells to where you got them from because their young will either return to that shell where they can smell their parents in, or eventually the shell will disenegrate and make good nutrients to the soil.

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Q: Why it is important to return periwinkle shells to the same place they are collected from?
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Why do you measure 20 periwinkle shells from each area instead of just one periwinkle?

to see how they wiegh

What helps the common periwinkle survive?

What helps the common periwinkle to survive is adaptation. For instance, the periwinkle can survive being out of the water by withdrawing into their shells and closing the aperture. This will allow it to survive for several weeks.

Different types of periwinkle snails?

2 kinds are apple snails, and mystery snails. I have mystery snails. Make sure they have plenty of calcium, or they're shells will crack.

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What animals have symbiotic relations with periwinkle snails?

Periwinkles will out grow their shells, another creature will then take that shell and the periwinkle will take another old shell. This is an example of symbiosis. :)

Where are periwinkles found?

... common shells found in the ocean or rivers. There are also flowers called "periwinkle" one species is European, another from Madagascar.

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shells are important to some invertebrates groups because for some of them, that's their home

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Can chickens eat pea shells?

Yes. The shells must be ground or pulverized enough for the chickens to swallow them. Shells provide an important source of calcium. Calcium is necessary for egg production and health egg shells.

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Shells plants o grow