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Idk if this is the answer u want but this is true... Evolution is a result of DNA mutation, so it could benefit the life form, but here's a question for u, how do u know DNA is a double helix?

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Q: Why may a DNA mutation not be harm to an organism?
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The substitution of one base for another during DNA replication is an example of?

Mutation occurs where one DNA nucleotide base is changed in the process of DNA replication. These mutations may or may not cause genetic disorders or other observable changes in the organism, but they play a huge role in evolution, cancer, and immune system development.

Describe the differences between the original and mutated sequences?

An original sequence is a sequence of DNA that has no mutations or damage. A mutated sequence is one that has had some type of damage or change occurs to the DNA. A mutation is not always a bad thing, and may have very little impact on the organism that has the mutation.

How is a mutation harmful to a organism?

Not all mutations are harmful. A mutation the give the organism antibiotic resistance, for example, is quite helpful. A different mutation that causes a necessary protein to misfold may result in death. In general mutations that affect proteins that are necessary for life will result in the death of the organism. One such mutation is in the protein p53 which is necessary to prevent a cell from growing uncontrollable (cancer). A mutation in p53 could result in a cell with damaged DNA to reproduce - this is what we call cancer.

What is a change in the sequence of bases in DNA molecules called?

The change in the order of the bases in a DNA molecule is called a mutation. Such changes may happen because of damage to genomes, replication errors, or insertion or deletion of nucleotide bases.

What can a genetic mutation cause?

A genetic mutation can cause a variation, which may be harmless, or may be harmful, depending on where on the DNA molecule it occurs.

What mutation affects an organism's offspring?

mutation can affect an organism's offspring

How a mutation may not affect an organisms traits?

A mutation does not affect an organism trait for a reason. It is neutral which depends on the environment.

What is anything in the environment that causes a reaction or change in an organism?

Certain chemicals and radiation in the environment can cause a reaction or mutation in an organism. Such changes may alter organisms genotype or phenotype. Chemicals that induce changes in organisms DNA is called mutagens.

What is a mutation disease?

A mutation is a permanent change in the DNA sequence of a gene. It may be a minor or a major change; and may be harmful or beneficial.RegardsTime is imaginary

1 Do polymorphism and mutation explain the same biological phenomenon?

no polymorphism and mutation are different.polymorphism represents overall change in an organism whereas mutation may or may not bring overall change.

What are the affects of a mutation?

MutationA mutation produces an abnormal gene, which may limit, not effect, or enhance the ability of an organism to survive and reproduce. A mutation does not have any set effects on the organism, as the mutated gene may not change the appearance of the organism. Mutations of normal cells in an organism can cause cancer, as cancer is just normal cells that have been damaged in such a way as to grow out of control.

Errors that are made during DNA replication may result in what?
