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13.7 times more.

Because the atoms of Mercury are heavier (more massive) than the molecules of water AND they're closer together.

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Q: Why mercury weigh more than water?
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because neptune has more mass than mercury

How much more mass does mercury have than earth?

Mercury does not weigh anything more than earth

Does mercury exert more pressure than water?

mercury exerts more pressure than water bcause mercury is a metal and water is a non metal obviously mercury weighs more than water

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Why does a kilogram of mercury weigh more than a kilogram of water?

If they both weigh a kilogram then they both weigh the same... a kilogram. It's like asking if a pound of feathers weighs more then a pound of rocks... they both weigh a pound.

How much does 10 fluid oz weigh?

That depends on the substance being considered. Water weighs a bit more than oil and a lot less than mercury, for example.

Does a gallon of feathers weigh more than a gallon of water?

nonow if you had said does a pound of feathers weigh more than a pound of water.....

Because mercury is less massive than earth things there would weigh?

they would weigh more. more gravity= more weightadd. With a smaller gravity, they would weigh LESS.

Why mercury has high surface tension?

If you have a large jar filled with mercury and a small jar filled with water, then the mercury has more volume than the water. If the water is in the large jar, then the water has more volume than the mercury.

Why would you weigh more on Venus than the moon or Mercury?

Because of the difference in Gravity.

Is the element mercury more soluble in water than methyl mercury?

the element cannot be dissolved in water at all. so methyl mercury is the answer.

Does a pound of feathers weigh more than a pound of water.?

They weigh the same