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Younger Russians find it easier than older Russians to learn to rely on themselves because they were born or grew up after the events of 1985-1991 which led, among other things, to the break up of the Soviet Union, demise of Communism (or what was understood to be Communism by the West), transition from planned to market economy, and at least partial disappearance of the social safety net. Under Communism, people understood that if they played by the rules - went to school, got a job, did not break the law, did not speak out against the state - the state, in turn, guaranteed them a certain standard of living, with a so-so apartment, free health care and education, and a modest pension when they retired.

At the same time, it was understood by most that without being exceptionally gifted, lucky or shady, one could not create a high standard of living for oneself and one's family.

People who were born after 1970, to pick a year, were not sufficiently set in the ways of this paternalistic society. They have not had a chance to waste their lives in a dead-end job in expectation of a meager pension and a modest apartment. When the Russian society abruptly changed its course as a result of Gorbachev's reforms, young Russians saw the promise of high rewards that required greater self-reliance and initiative. Older people, by contrast, simply saw the breaking of promise of a quiet state-controlled life that they had relied on all their lives. Many of them did not have marketable skills and most lacked initiative and self-assurance to succeed in the new Russia.

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