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Mecause melting does not destroy the radioactivity. Whatever burns would cause radioactive ash/smoke that would be carried away on the wind. the rest would just turn a patch of the lava radioactive.

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Q: Why not dispose of nuclear waste in a volcano?
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Can our nuclear waste go in to your water?

no, its not safe to dispose nuclear waste in water,rather it would be safe to dispose it in common salt trenches.

Why is Nuclear Power so expensive?

Nuclear power plants require high upfront capital costs for construction, maintenance, and decommissioning. Strict safety and security measures, complex regulatory requirements, and long project timelines also contribute to the high costs associated with nuclear power. Additionally, challenges related to radioactive waste disposal and public perception can further increase expenses.

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Merits: it is efficient does not produce green house gases Demerits: it produces nuclear waste that can get people badly sick and eventualy kill them if exsposed to it and the waste is realy hard to "dispose" of

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They are not good because of the pollution rate and the fact that the waste production is very hard to dispose of

How much does it cost to dispose of nuclear waste?

Depending on where it is stored it could cause major pollution problems or even deaths.

How can we make nuclear energy cleaner?

Nuclear Energy is already clean. The problem is the 'radio-active' waste from the reactor. A lot of research is going on to dispose of radio-active waste safely. One possibility is 'vitrifiction' and then burying it in deep mines.

Why are nuclear waste at times said to be a problem which is too complicated to solve?

Nuclear wastes are sometimes said to be a problem too difficult to solve because the waste stays radioactive for so long. The only thing that gets rid of nuclear waste is time.

What testing was done at yucca mountain?

There was no testing done at Yucca mountain; it is just a place where they plan on storing nuclear waste in order to dispose of it.

What would happen if nuclear waste was disposed of into an open volcano?

No physical or chemical process can alter the radioactivity of the waste, so it will still be there whatever you do with it. If the volcano is active, when the next lava flow occurs the nuclear waste will be ejected with the volcanic matter, so it would be a very bad idea. The idea for long term waste disposal is to find somewhere very geologically stable where it will stay for thousands of years without any risk of returning to the earth's surface, just the opposite of the volcano's contents.

How do you dispose of liquid waste?

Liquid waste can be disposed of by pouring it down the drain in small amounts, following any local regulations. Alternatively, it can be taken to a designated disposal site or facility that handles liquid waste. It's important to avoid disposing of liquid waste in a way that could harm the environment or human health.

Should the U.S expand its nuclear energy program?

Probably but the need to secure and dispose of nuclear waste must be considered as well as other energy sources like wind, geo-thermal. solar and tides.

How do Japanese dispose their waste?
