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When the nucleus is unstable, one of the ways to reach stability is to emit electromagnetic radiation in the form of gamma rays.

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Q: Why nucleus is a source of eletromagnetic radiation?
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Related questions

What are the eletromagnetic radiation bands called?

Electromagnetic radiation bands are known as the EMR spectrum.

What is the composition of a beta ray?

it's composition is high-energy eletromagnetic radiation

Which process transfers energy primarily by eletromagnetic wave traveling through empty space?

Electromagnetic radiation

Does beta have a helium nucleus?

Beta radiation does not have a helium nucleus.Alpha radiation, however, does have a helium nucleus.

Is water part of the eletromagnetic spectrum?

No, The electromagnetic spectrum is the range of all possible frequencies of electromagnetic radiation.[1] The "electromagnetic spectrum" of an object is the characteristic distribution of electromagnetic radiation emitted or absorbed by that particular object.

What are the dangers of infared waves?

Infra red radiation is part of the Eletromagnetic Spectrum, it includes all types of radiation including: Radio waves, microwaves, Infra red radiation, visible light, ultraviolet, x- rays and gamma rays.Infra red radiation risks: it can damage your cornea.

What is the definition of eletromagnetic?

It depends what you are talking about... Electromagnetic field Electromagnetic force Electromagnetic radiation Electromagnetic spectrum Electromagnetic therapy Electromagnetic waves ...they each have different meanings.

The release of energy when a nucleus decomposes?


What is the fundamental source of electromagnetic radiation?

the fundemental source of electromagnetic radiation is an ionic explosion

Nuclear radiation refers to charged particles or energy emitted by an unstable what?


What are the source of radiation?

Cosmic radiation External terrestrial and internal radiation

What happens when the nucleus of an atom decompes?

radiation is emmited