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O blood type can only receive O blood type because in genetic, O is has recessive alleles while other types of blood has codominant alleles.

A recessive alleles cannot combine with dominant or codominant allels.

So if a person who has blood type O receive the other types of blood besides O, the blood cells within that person is going to repel each other. The worst situation, the person can die.

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O blood can only receive from O. O can give to A, B, AB, and O.

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A person with type O can receive only type O blood.

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The only type O can receive from is O. O - can only receive from O -, but can donate to A, B, AB or O, either + or -. O + can receive either but can only donate to A, B, AB or O Rh +.

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If a patient has type O blood he can receive?

only from blood group O.

Blood 0 plus can receive what type?

O blood type can only receive blood type only from O, and blood type O can give blood to all other blood types, but obly receive blood from it self General Rule : O is general donnor but limited receiver.

What blood types can people with type o blood safely donate to?

B or O. But You need to put into account if the recipient is positive or negative as well

What type of blood can a type o person receive?

No, they cannot. A person with O+ blood has a special antigen, or protein, on its extracellular membrane. The person with O- blood will form antibodies to the antigen and attack the O+ red blood cells killing them, this will eventually cause anemia and become a health problem.

Can a person with type o blood receive type b blood but not type ab?

type O can only receive type O.

Can an o negative receive any blood type?

No, quite the opposite, a person with O- can only receive blood from another O- person.

What blood can type O safely receive?

Not taking Rh Factor into consideration, O is the universal donor. All blood types can receive type O. For information, AB is the universal recipient. They can take any blood type. Remember, this excludes the Rh Factor.