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Q: Why people saw the slave trade as acceptable?
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How did the domestic slave trade of black women affect slave families?

Unfortunately, the slave trade of black women and black people in general was devastating to slave families. Most often, families were separated, and black women never saw their families again.

Why does Afonso ask the Portuguese king to help stop the slave trade?

Afonso asked for help to stop the slave trade because he saw the devastating impact it was having on his people and his kingdom. He believed that the Portuguese king had the power to influence the traders and put an end to the exploitation of his people. Additionally, Afonso likely wanted to maintain good relations with Portugal and saw this as an opportunity for collaboration.

WHY Did king Alfonso disagree with slave trade in Africa?

Alfonso disagreed with the 'slave trade' movement, first of all, because he was the King of the West of Africa. Second, he saw the big change in the population amount of his people, decreasing. Third, it was a nasty action that included the abuse of his people.

Did Prince Henry's expeditions become involved in the slave trade?

Yes, Prince Henry the Navigator's expeditions played a role in initiating the African slave trade by establishing trade routes and acquiring captives for sale. However, Prince Henry himself did not directly participate in the slave trade.

Why did Bristol become involved in the slave trade?

We saw other countries with slaves and we wanted them to work on the plantations, and to show we had power and wealth.

Why did Africans take part in the slave trade?

Africans participated in the slave trade due to various factors such as economic gain, political power, and competition between African kingdoms. Some were forced into the trade through warfare and capture, while others saw it as a way to acquire goods and resources. It's essential to note that African involvement in the slave trade was complex and not solely motivated by one reason.

Why did the African leaders want to continue slave trade after its abolitioment?

Some African leaders wanted to continue the slave trade after its abolition because it had been a major source of wealth and power for them. Additionally, the demand for labor continued and they saw it as a way to maintain their influence and status in the region.

How did the position of some west African tribes change as a result of the Atlantic slave trade?

Due to the Atlantic slave trade, some West African tribes that engaged in slave raiding or trading saw an increase in power and wealth. Conversely, tribes that became targets for slave raids faced population decimation, social disruption, and economic stagnation. Overall, the slave trade contributed to significant shifts in the power dynamics among West African tribes.

How were people in West Africa involved in the slave trade?

Americans sailed about 20 Africans to America because of the need for servants to work in their growing fields of tobacco and other products. They saw these Africans as a way to expand their food supply and have permanent slaves.

Why did some slave owners treat their slaves badly?

Some slave owners treated their slaves badly because they saw them as primitive people, not high enough to exist in their league. Because slave owners bought their slaves they regarded them as property and not people. In the past slaves had no rights.

How did the slave codes see the slave?

The slave codes saw the slaves as'heathens'and 'brutish',and unfit to be governed by English law.They also saw them as private property and like animals that could be sold to meet death.

How did slavery begin in the New England colonies?

The slave trade began when English people saw that the Spanish were making a lot of money selling people to work for the plantation owners living in what is now called America. The English developed this idea and started trading slaves for goods with the chiefs of the tribes in the west of Africa.