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Q: Why resting membrane potential value sodium is closer to equilibrium of potassium?
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Through the membrane of a resting neuron highly permeable to potassium ions its membrane potential does not exactly match the equilibrium potential for potassium because the neuronal membrane is?

Slightly permeable to sodium ions.

Ions used to establish a resting potential?

Potassium and sodium determine the a cell's resting membrane potential. The equilibrium potential (the voltage where no ion would flow) for sodium is about +60 mV while that for potassium is usually around -80 mV, but because the resting cell membrane is approximately 75 times more permeable to potassium than to sodium, the resting potential is closer the the equilibrium potential of potassium. This is because potassium leak channels are always open while sodium come in through voltage gated or ligand gated channels.

Why is there a resting membrane potential across the cell membrane?

sodium/potassium pump

The membrane-bound enzyme system that restores and maintains the resting membrane potential is what pump?


Is equilibrium potential the same as resting potential?

The equilibrium potential refers to the electrochemical potential at equilibrium of a particular ion, as calculated by the Nernst equation. The resting potential refers to the weighted average based upon membrane permeabilities of all the equilibrium potentials of the various ions in a given cell, as calculated by the Goldman equation.

Why is the resting potential value of a membrane negative?

The resting membrane potential is the difference between the inside of the cell relative to the outside. The outside is always taken as 0mv. The resting membrane potential is negative because there is a higher concentration of potassium ions outside the cell (because the membrane is more permeable to potassium ions) than inside. Since potassium ions are positively charged this leads to a negative value.

What will happen to a person's resting membrane potential if they take potassium enhanced intravenous solution?

A potassium enhanced intravenous solution would increase the concentration of potassium ions in the brain. Since potassium ions are positively charged, they depolarize the resting membrane potential. For example, a resting membrane potential of -65 millivolts would be depolarized to -62 millivolts. An appropriate concentration could lead to a significant depolarization of, say, -60 millivolts, at which point an action potential could be possible.

Does the sodium or potassium pump provide energy for neurons but does not affect resting membrane potential?


What accounts for the resting membrane potential seen in unstimulated nerve and muscle cells?

Sodium-potassium pump

What is the state when an electrical charge of a neuron is said to be at a resting potential?

The resting potential is the normal equilibrium charge difference (potential gradient) across the neuronal membrane, created by the imbalance in sodium, potassium, and chloride ions inside and outside the neuron.

What is the approximate resting potential of a neuron?

It is -70 millivolts. The resting potential of a neuron refers to the voltage difference across the plasma membrane of the cell, and is expressed as the voltage inside the membrane relative to the voltage outside the membrane. The typical resting potential voltage for a neuron is -70mV Resting potentials occur because of the difference in concentration of ions inside and outside of the cell, largely by K+ (Potassium ions) but some contribution is made by Na+(Sodium ions)

What is the charge on the inside membrane during the resting membrane potential?

The resting membrane potential of a typical neuron is around -65mV