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If sawdust gets wet, and is left wet for any length of time, the natural fermentation processes can generate enough heat to catch fire. A cat will bury his urine, leaving a wet volume buried in the sawdust, where it cannot evaporate, to ferment and heat up.

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Q: Why sawdust should not be use as a litter in a deep litter system?
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How deep should the cat litter be in the litter pan?

It can be as deep as you like; it only needs to be deep enough to completely absorb urine and to keep the cat from exposing the bottom of the pan when it scratches in the litter. A good ballpark would be two to three inches deep for an average-sized cat.

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Yes it does, it is the respiratory system, meaning breathing system. :D

How often should you muck out your horse?

it depends on what bedding you use. if you have rubber mats and few shavings, then you should muck out every day. if you have a deep litter bed, lay the stable down with straw, and instead of mucking it all out, muck the worst of it out and put clean straw on top, until it builds up. then say once a week, comlpetly clean out the shed..this is called deep litter and is good for lamanitics.

Should you use sawdust for mouse bedding?

Shredded newspaper can be used, but not with colored ink. There are also many "litters" and beddings that can be purchased at pet stores. Stay away from pine and cedar wood. Some good brands are "Yesterday's News," "Carefresh," etc.

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