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Unlike carbohydrate, protein and fat is essential for health and to sustain life. In other words, if you do not eat protein and some fats you would become unwell and eventually die. Your body can stay alive without carbohydrates but not without proteins and fats.

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Q: Why should you never cut fat out of your diet?
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Why should fat be limited in a diet?

It shouldn't be limited; just cut out trans fat.

Why should you not completely cut fat out of your diet even if you are trying to lose weight?

You shouldn't cut ALL fat out of your diet, since a certain amount of fats and oils is an essential component of a balanced diet. Among other uses that the body has for fat, there are some vitamins that cannot be absorbed without it.

What is the safest way to complete the belly fat diet?

The best way to complete the belly fat diet is to identify the foods that create fat and the food that help burn fat. You should also take fiber, exercise regularly and cut your calories.

How do you cut down on thigh fat?

Go on a diet and exercise.

What percent of your diets should be fat?

At least 20% of your diet should consist of fats.

What type of fat should you be trying to cut down?

We should be trying to cut down on our "Saturated Fat".(:

How many grams of fat are in a diet soda?

Diet soda has no fat. Fat content is never found in any soda. This is unless otherwise specified.

What are the best diet fat burners?

The best diet/fat burning products are ones that are recommended by a physician. Some fat burners are dangerous, some are natural and healthy. One should never begin taking a fat burning product without first consulting with their doctor.

Why is too much fat in your diet a problem?

Fat in your diet isn't necessarily a problem, but fat is high in calories and fatty foods are often nutritionally very poor. While excess fat is a problem, we need fat in our diet for basic bodily function, so don't try to cut out fat all together.

Is the South Beach diet effective when one is trying to lose actual fat?

No, the South Beach Diet is not effective when one is trying to lose actual fat. No diet can accomplish this actually. You can never actually lose fat, but you can shrink the fat cells.

Why should the diet of a teenager be low in fat and sugar?

So that they don't get fat.

The Best Diet Plan For Runners ?

If you are looking for the best diet plan for runners, you should know that it will include carbs and sugars. Some people have recently decided that these are very bad for you, and diet plans will cut them out entirely. If you do not work out, these things can be stored as fat, so they are bad for you in this sense. For a runner, though, these things provide energy. You should cut out fat instead. You can then take in the carbs so that you have the energy that is needed to exercise without gaining any weight.