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Static stretching followed by cardio or anaerobic activity can be dangerous (FYI). It's best to warm up slowly and to stretch at the end of your workout (if you stretch at all). Using a partner is particularly dangerous because they can't feel when you are over-stretched. It's already dangerous to use static stretching. It compounds the problem when you add a partner to the mix.

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15y ago

They Cannot Feel "Your Pain", so you only you should stretch yourself, your partner doesnt know your limits.

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I don’t know

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Q: Why should you not use partners when performing stretching exercise?
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What should you not consider a key component of stretching?

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What are the importance of stretching?

Static stretching (stationary stretches) is important after exercise to prevent cramping and tightness in muscles that can develop into muscle tears and strains later on. Before exercise static stretching should be kept to a minimum as it limits power from the muscles. Dynamic stretches should be used before exercise to prevent injury and properly warm up the body. Generally stretching is important because it prevents injury during and after exercise.

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Dynamic stretching prior to exercise helps prepare the body for exercise and prevent injuries. After exercise sessions static stretching should be performed, holding each stretch for a minimum of 30 seconds or more to re-estabilsh the length of of the muscle

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What is Dynamic stretch?

"Dynamic" means that you are in motion while you perform the exercise. An example of dynamic stretching would be putting your toes on the edge of a step and bouncing as your heels drop below the edge. This would stretch the gastrocnemius. Dynamic stretching can be dangerous because it can lead to muscle tears and other injuries if done improperly so you should learn proper stretching techniques from a qualified trainer.

What are three components of a well-balanced exercise?

The three components of a workout are: warm-up, workout, and stretching.