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Its is a closed hall.because the sound was absorbed

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Q: Why sound absorbing are kept in cinema hall?
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why sound absorbing are kept in walls on cinemas halls?

because it allows only direct sound to reach the audience .they are even made up of sound proof wall with the concept of two walls and a gap between them so that the sound does not go out and disturb the other people and in another hand to much echo and reverberation makes the sound muddled and we cannot hear anything (dialogues )etc .clearly.therefore , sound absorbing materials are kept in the cinema halls.

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it can be kept anywhere. wherever you desire. your house, a hall anywhere wherever you wish.

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The common places where coats are kept are in a closet, on a hook in an entrance-way, in a hall, or on the back of a door, on a coat rack, or in storage.

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The word kept does not have a homophone. Homophones are words that sound the same but are spelled differently and have different meanings.

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It doesn't, it is room temperature minus visible light heat unless in a conductive / heat absorbing container.

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There were actual refrigerators that used CO2 as the coolant manufactured by J. & E. Hall.

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Typical sound levels are kept under the 125 decibel pain threshold, otherwise people would leave.

Does kept have a long or short e?

"Kept" has a short "e" sound. It is pronounced as ke-pt.

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The cackle of her laugh echoed down the hall. The cackle of the hens in the coop kept him awake.

Where is the Bill of Rights kept?

The Bill of Rights, the Declaration of Independence, and the Constitution are all stored in Independence Hall. (in Washington D.C.)