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A structured interview is not necessarily more valid than an unstructured one.

It may however be deemed so because it allows employers to ask preset questions of all candidates and thereby compare answers uniformly across the board.

An unstructured interview is where questions can be changed and adapted based on the candidates answers to determine intelligence, understanding and suitability. Questions at an unstructured interview therefore tend to be more open ended requiring open answers that mean the candidate can reveal more about themselves.

A lot of interviewers today mix both e.g. with what is commonly known as competency based interviews where the areas the employers want to ask questions are categorised and set however they then adapt questions under these headings to each candidate based on their responses. This also give candidate the opportunity to sell themselves much better than with structured interviews. Afterall human being communicate mostly in an unstructured way.

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Q: Why structured interview is more valid than unstructured interview?
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Unstructured interviews have the disadvantage that they can stray from the intended topic and purpose. It is also more difficult to prepare for an unstructured interview, causing both parties to be caught off guard.

Advantage unstructured interview?

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Difference between structured and unstructured?

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Were structured programming techniques helpful in the past?

Yes. Indeed, structure is still used today. Consider the following unstructured program written in BASIC: 1. let i = 0 2. print "Hello world" 3. i = i + 1 4. if i<=10 then goto 2 In structured version of BASIC, this same code would be written: 1. for i = 1 to 10 2. print "hello world" 3. next i Note that in the structured version we do not need line numbers since we never refer to them in the code. Also, in the structured version, the first line introduces a counted loop up front whereas the unstructured version requires that we read all of the code before we finally realise there is actually a loop in the code. Thus the structured version is said to be more readable because the logic is more obvious to the reader.

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What is Structured interviews?

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You can learn more about cash for structured settlements at at www.jgwentworth/Structured-Settlement/Sell-Structured-Settlement.aspx. They explain what a structured settlement is, and how to sell all or some of your monthly payments.

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