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Tap water is used to wash the excess stain from a slide prepared from a smear. You can use tap water instead of distilled water because you aren't worried about a precipitate forming and tap water is much cheaper than distilled.

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Q: Why tap water is used for smear washing in staining?
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Why is it you should heat-fixing the air-dried before staining?

It is used to fix because to make the cell inactive or immoblie, but the main purpose is to fix the smear so that when we put stain and then flush it out with water ( or some time with alcohol) the smear should not wash out with dye.

What is the purpose of smearing in microbiology?

Smear are made for preparing slides for staining which are used in microscopy. The main purpose of smear is to seprate cluster of microbial cells so that we can see them seprately which is helpfull in studying there morphology, and arrangement in colony

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A smear preparation is a techniques that is used as a precursor is many different staining techniques.The smear prep usually calls for the sample bacterium to be placed on a microscope slide (use aseptic technique) with one drop of DI water. Then the slide is allowed to air dry for a few minutes then the slide is passed through a Bunsen burner flame. Use a cloths pin so that you do not burn you hands Only pass the glass microscope slide through the flame not you cloths pin if it is wood it will catch fire. Pass the slide through 3-4 times then you are ready to continue on with your desired staining technique

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Acid-fast staining is used in determining tuberculosis. It can also track the progress of antibiotic therapy and determine how contagious a person is. Yay A&M microbiology lab!

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When washing yours clothes, always use fresh or purified water.

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The combination of Congo red cream and distilled water is used for staining cells for viewing under the microscope. Staining make the individual cells much easier to see.

Why is your washing machine staining your clothes?

Someone may have used color dye in the machine. Make sure to separate the color clothing from the white. Or get a live in girlfriend to help you do lundry.

What is the purpose of fixing the smear?

Heat fixing a smear kills the bacteria with minimal distortion, allows for better staining, and firmly affixes the bacteria to the slide. Chemical fixing is used to preserve fine cellular structures and might stop internal processes in place, protect the cell from damage, or strengthen the cell's structure.

Why is it necessary to excessively rinse the smear with water in experiment identifying bacteria using gram stain?

smear should be rinsed with distill water so that all the small particles attach to the smear will washed away such as some time the crystals of dye are attached to the smear which give the illusion of microbial cell some time, distill water is used because it is free from other microbial cell and ions which can harm the smear.