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High blood cholesterol is one of the four major risk factors for coronary Heart disease (cigarette smoking, high blood pressure, and sedentary lifestyle are the other three).

High blood cholesterol occurs when there is too much cholesterol in your blood. Your cholesterol level is determined partly by your genetic makeup and the saturated fat and cholesterol in the foods you eat. Even if you didn't eat any cholesterol, your body would manufacture enough for its needs.

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10y ago

Bread has no dietary cholesterol that is why it can be advertised as no cholesterol.

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Is bread high in cholesterol?

No, bread is not high in cholesterol.

How much cholesterol has whole grain bread?

The percentage of the total lipids in this bread is 4-5 %.

Is there a good cholesterol lowering diet plan?

The best plan to lower cholesterol is eating enough whole grains. cheerios, whole wheat bread, and certain biscuits can help with lowering cholesterol.

How much fat is in a slice of bread?

One slice of commercially prepared white bread contains 1 gram of fat.

Is it legal to freeze bread and then sell for the customer to buy without telling the customer?

It would depend on how the bread was advertised or labeled in the store. If the label says "fresh bread" then frozen bread would not be expected. If the labeling doesn't indicate "fresh" then frozen is a reasonable possibility.

Does a certain food have "good" or "bad" cholesterol.?

Often, a package will advertise its content of HDL, as it is considered the "good" cholesterol. In contrast, nutritional labels with cholesterol content marked but not advertised as HDL appear to fall under LDL. HDL decreases the risk of heart diseases, whereas LDL causes plaque buildup in the arteries.

What are the examples of food products advertised in the television and in the newspaper which are produced through the help of microorganisms?

* cheese * yogurt * cottage cheese * bread

What sort of diets should I consider to help me with lowering my cholesterol?

A good way to lower cholesterol is by consuming foods that are high in fiber, such as whole-wheat bread. Nuts as well as fish meat are also good methods of combatting high cholesterol levels.

Is plain bread rich in uric acid and cholesterol?

Plain bread has sugar, yeast, all purpose flour, salt and oil in it.No cholesterol (found in animal fat) or uric acid (found in the breaking down of liver, anchovies, mackerel, dried beans and peas, and beer) is used.

Which bread molds the fastest bakery bread or store bought bread?

by letting air get to it Also, it will grow if it is put in a dampish, wet, and place without a lot of light.

Does your body needs cholesterol?

Yes. Absolutely. In fact, every cell in your body needs to have cholesterol. It is part of what is called the plasma membrane. That is what holds the cell together, it is made of a phospholipid bilayer and that is like a sandwhich with the cholesterol making the bread slices. without cholesterol you wouldn't be able to keep your cells together, and then you couldn't keep yourself together,

What foods with fibre are best at reducing cholesterol?

Some foods that contain fiber and help lower cholesterol are corn, avocado, white beans, black beans, wheat pasta, brown rice, edamame, wheat bread, and lentils.