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Q: Why the leaf boiled in alcohol for a starch test?
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Why did leaf had to be boiled in ethanol when testing leaf for starch?

Ethanol dissolves chlorophyll hence further phtosynthetic activity is stopped in the abscence of light and the leaf becomes transparent (colorless). the colorless leaf takes better stain with iodene while testing for the presence of starch.

A leaf was taken from a plant boiled with ethanol and tested with iodine solution what is it tested for?

Starch, I think, because iodine solution is the test for starch.

What did you see on the leaf in the test tube when testing for starch?

Use iodine to test a leaf for starch | Plant Physiology | Biology

How do you test a leaf of starch?

The test of starch by covering the black paper and keeping it into a light place at few hours.

Why boil a leaf for a starch test?

It is to kill the cytoplasm, denaturate the enzyme and makes the leaf become more permeable to the iodine solution, therefor, we have to boil a leaf for starch test

Test for starch in a leave by photosynthesis?

Test for Starch 1. Heat some water to boiling point in a beaker then turn out the Bunsen flame. 2. Use forceps to dip a leaf in the hot water for about 30 seconds. This kills the cytoplasm, dentures the enzymes and makes the leaf more permeable to iodine solution. 3. Push the leaf to the bottom of a test tube and cover it with alcohol (ethanol). Place the tube in the hot water. The alcohol will boil and dissolve out most of the chlorophyll. This makes colour changes with iodine easier to see. 4. Pour the green alcohol into a spare beaker, remove the leaf and dip it once into the hot water to soften it. 5. Spread the decolourized leaf flat on a white tile and drop iodine solution onto it. The parts containing starch will turn blue; parts without starch will stain brown or yellow with iodine

Why is the alcohol not heated in starch test?

The alcohol is not heated in starch test because it's flameable,so will cause fire or disrupt the results would be incorrect or not accurate.

What is used to test the presence of starch?

alcohol , iodine solution

What happened a non green leaf is tested for starch?

A non-green leaf lacking chloroplasts will not be able to synthesize food which later on gets converted into starch. So it will not show the presence of starch in the test.

Result of starch test on variegated leaves?

the leaf that contains starch will turn blue/black if not it will stay the same colour

What is the color of the leaf at the end of the experiment that test for starch?

the color of the leaf become brown-black after the iodine solution was added.

Why did very little if any starch digestion occur in test tube 4A?

Because the enzyme amylase was denatured. It was boiled first before putting the starch in.