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Because he is related to Hillary Clinton and that makes our debate a hell of a lot easier!!! :-D

Very Funny. He was a great president for many reasons, his economic policies have been hailed as some of the best in the world, actually attaining a positive revenue(meaning instead of losing money, America actually gained money) for the 1st time in American history.

There are many other things, but read wikipedia to get a overview, and specific details can be read through other means

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15y ago
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13y ago

I believe that Clinton was a president of good fortune rather than someone who promoted great policies.

Economically speaking, Clinton's era was immense. He took office in the midst of a slight recession, and ended up with the greatest budget surplus ever recorded. His years were coined the "golden years," due to real economic growth.

But did he cause this growth? Absolutely not. You have to look at what happened during his presidency. Al Gore (so he likes to say), created the internet. This was the single greatest catalyst to the economy the world has ever seen. Little guys like me and you, now had an outlet to advertise their product to a nation, or even worldwide market. Communication costs were now a fraction of what they were pre-internet. The internet created an enormous amount of jobs, which accounts for a section of California being coined "Silicone Valley." Think about Ebay, Yahoo, America Online, and all the other front runners in the internet boom. Billion dollar industries today.

Clinton's legacy was made due to a great economic run... which in my mind, was handed to him. Had Bush been in office, we would have a much more optomisitc outlook on his presidency.

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13y ago

Yes. Bill Clinton had a larger percentage of the population that was "Happy" with the job he was doing since any president after him, and the last president before him was to score so highly, was Ronald Regan.

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12y ago

He was great economically. He was the last President to have a trading surplus. President Bill Clinton balanced budgets. didnt believe in deficit's.

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14y ago

If you are looking for a good role model for married men, he was a lousy president. This is opinion, and there are many factors that would indicate that, as president, he was "not bad".

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13y ago

Everyone love Bill Clinton he was the best President we have had now we have a Black and everyone sees how this is working out

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To become president; you must be a United States citizen, be 35 years of age, and to have resided in the U.S for 14 years. However, all the President's of the United States have either been goverenors, senetors, congressmen, army generals, or vice-presidents. Bill Clinton began his long political journy in 1976 when he was elected as Attorny General of Arkansas. Next, Bill Clinton was governor of the state of Arkansas from 1978-1980, then reelected from 1982-1991. By 1992, Bill Clinton believed he had enough experience and good ideas to run for Pesident of the United States. He entered the Presidenial Election in 1992, won it, and became President on January 20th, 1993.

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There have been several presidents that were considered to be good leaders. A few of the presidents were Abraham Lincoln. John F Kennedy, and Bill Clinton.

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