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He jumped from a very large altitude (about 39 kilometers), at which there was hardly any atmosphere to slow him down.

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1d ago

Felix Baumgartner was able to reach such high speeds during his skydive from the stratosphere because of the lack of air resistance at that altitude. As he fell through the thin atmosphere, he gained speed, reaching supersonic velocities before opening his parachute. Additionally, his specially designed spacesuit provided protection and stability during the descent.

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Q: Why was Felix baumgartner able to reach such a high record breaking speed?
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What is a instrument that use lenses to focus light and film to record an image?

A camera is an instrument that uses lenses to focus light onto film or a digital sensor to record an image. The lenses adjust to allow different amounts of light to reach the image sensor or film plane, creating a focused photograph.

When do waves break?

Waves break when they reach shallow water, causing the top of the wave to move faster than the bottom. This difference in speed leads to the wave breaking and collapsing onto itself. Factors such as underwater topography, wave height, and wave steepness can also affect when waves break.

What is it called when big waves turn into foam when the reach the shore?

That phenomenon is called "whitecaps." It occurs when the crest of a wave breaks due to the interaction between the wave and the seafloor as the water becomes shallower near the shore. The breaking wave produces foam and froth as air bubbles are mixed with the water.

Imagine that you chew a cracker and swallow it what roll does saliva play?

Saliva moistens the cracker making it easier to chew and swallow by breaking down starches into sugars. It also helps with the initial digestion process by starting to break down carbohydrates before they reach the stomach.

How fast can a wind get during a tornado?

Winds in tornadoes can reach speeds of over 300 mph (482 km/h), making them incredibly destructive and dangerous. The Enhanced Fujita Scale categorizes tornadoes based on their wind speeds, with EF5 tornadoes having the strongest winds.

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