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Q: Why was Macbeth surprised when the witches called the thane of Cawdor?
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What is it called when a witch laughs?

When a witch laughs it's called cackle. For example, We heard a cackle behind us! It was a witches laugh! All witches laugh like that.

What is it called when witches were drowned?

This could be called execution, persecution, and death by drowning. The time period when so called "witches" were killed in the Middle Ages is known as the Burning Times to modern historians. It was also called dunking, however most of us would call it murder.

Witch hunt 17th century?

Witch hunt is a hunt performed by witch hunters who explore new things about witches in 17th century.Anybody who was different from the society was called witch especially womans because of the original sin. i hope you are satisfied with this answer! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ you are wrong. they knew people were witches because witches are GREEN. and wear HATS. and have BLACK CATS and have WARTS. an BIG NOSES. honestly -.- and are called mr lambert.

What was Macbeth's surname?

In the Shakespearean play, the main character was called Macbeth [c. 1014-August 15, 1057]. He was a real, historical figure from eleventh century Scotland. But his name wasn't simply Macbeth. His real name was MacBethad mac Findlaich, which meant MacBethad son of Findlaech. His first name would have been considered MacBethad, and his surname mac Findlaich.

How many witches burned at stake at Salem trials?

None. In the Puritan society, withcraft was a capital crime, and tied to others, and therefore punishable by hanging, not burning.

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What does this quote mean-all hail Macbeth hail to thee thane of Cawdor?

in Shakespear's play Macbeth ,Macbeth becomes the thane of cawdor so its saying kinda all bow to Macbeth This is from the witches predictions. At this point Macbeth is the thane of Glamis, meaning he is the lord of a place called glamis. When the witches say all hail to thee thane of cawdor, they are predicting that Macbeth will be the thane of cawdor. Shalt be King Hereafter-- witches predict Macbeth will become King

What is the name of Macbeth's thandom?

Macbeth's thanedom is called Cawdor.

How did the witches manipulate 'Macbeth'?

Though the witches prophesied Macbeth's ascension to the throne, they did not necessarily manipulate him. However, their suggestion that both Macbeth and Banquo would rule precipitated Macbeth's ambitious moves.

Who are the traitors at the beginning of Macbeth play?

At the beginning of the play in act 1 the Thane of Cawdor (the earlier one, not Macbeth) is a traitor, and also a guy called Macdonweald whom Macbeth defeats.

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Who says I am Thane of Cawdor If good why do you yield to that suggestion?

This line is spoken by Macbeth in William Shakespeare's play "Macbeth." Macbeth questions why he is being called the Thane of Cawdor if the current Thane is still alive. This moment in the play foreshadows Macbeth's own rise to power and his eventual downfall.

When master Macbeth came back from the battle he had a new title he was called the thane of?


How does Macbeths encounter with the witches show hat the play will probably be a tragedy?

It doesn't. On the contrary, if you didn't already know from the title of the play, (The Tragedie of Macbeth, as it's called in the First Folio), you would think from what the witches said that everything will be going great for Macbeth: he's Thane of Glamis, he is going to become Thane of Cawdor, and he will eventually become King. Who could complain about that?

Why did Macbeth visit the witches?

the witches told Macbeth that he would be king, and he is worried about his role in making the prediction come true.

What did the witch called Macbeth?

Macbeth. She said "Hail, Macbeth!" In fact all three witches say exactly the same thing.

What did the witches plot in Act 1 Scene 3?

In Act 1 Scene 3 of Macbeth, the witches plot to meet Macbeth by the heath after the battle, where they plan to deliver prophecies that will plant the seeds of ambition and desire for power in his mind. They aim to manipulate him into a course of action that will ultimately lead to his downfall.

What does Macbeth mean by why do you dress me in borrowed robes?

He has been called Thane of Cawdor. But as far as Macbeth knows, the Thane of Cawdor is a "prosperous gentleman"; he is not aware of the events in Fife described by Ross in the previous scene where the Thane of Cawdor was revealed to be a traitor and captured by some other Scottish hero. The word "robe" here is a metaphor for a title. Macbeth asks why they are calling him by someone else's title, like dressing him in someone else's clothes.