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i don't really freakin know actually it was your mom and his girlfriend

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Q: Why was SALT important during the cold war?
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Why was roosevelt important during the cold war?

He never lived to see the cold war.

Why was Berlin important during the cold war?

cause it was

What is Vladimir Lenin important role during the cold war?

Lenin didn't do anything during the cold war. The Cold War started after WWII and Lenin died before that in 1924.

What is salt during cold war?

SALT was a period of two talks between the United States and the Soviet Union on armaments control.

Why salt an important resource during the civil war?

They had to put something on their food

What important events happened during the Cold War between 1952 to 1953?

The Korean war

Was Canada an important ally to the US during the Cold War?

Yes ma'an

Why was joesph Stalin an important person during the cold war?

He was important because he was the leader of Soviet Russia

Kennedy was president during what war?

He was president during the cold war and vietnam.

What various issues were in the cold war?


What important events occurred during Harry S Truman's presidency?

The Korean War and the Cold War were key and major events Truman had to deal with during presidency.

Did any important events happen when Nixon was president?

Yes, the cold war ended during his campaign.