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In the United States, The Framers wanted the newly formed democracy to be balanced and be represented by the people (meaning the common people, in this case educated white males, to head the House of Representatives) But because the Framers didn't trust the common people to run government completely they split Congress into two houses, the House of Representatives and the Senate, which is considered more elitist and more prestigious.

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Q: Why was a bicameral or two-house legislature created?
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What term refers to a twohouse legislature?


What created a bicameral legislature?

The Virginia Plan

What is a two-house legislature?


Is the great compromise a bicameral legislature?

The Connecticut Compromise established a bicameral legislature. Roger Sherman had already proposed a 2-house legislature; however, his idea specified that membership in both houses would be based on population.

The only state in the union without a bicameral legislature is?

Nebraska has a unicameral legislature with 49 members. Nebraska previously had a bicameral legislature up until 1936 but due to problems a unicameral legislature was created.

What is a bicameral legislature best described as?

A bicameral legislature is composed of two houses of the legislature.

Is Floridas legislature bicameral or unicameral?

Florida is a Bicameral Legislature

Why do you have bicameral legislature?

Because we have bicameral minds

Is Alaska a unicameral legislature or bicameral?


Who was the first name of the man who proposed to the twohouse legislature?

thomas Paine Mackenzie Morris in stephenville,tx

The framers of the constitution created a bicameral legislature made up of-?

The senate and house

A two-house legislature is called?

Generally speaking, a legislative body comprise of two legislative chambers or houses is referred to as being bicameral in nature. Specifically, the bicameral legislative body within the United States of America is called Congress. The bicameral legislative body within the United Kingdom of Britain is called Parliment.