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The Framers wrote the Constitution because they were thoroughly displeased with the system of government established by the Articles of Confederation, which as the name implies was theoretically a federation of independent states. They wanted to radically change the government and thus they did not use the Articles of Confederation as a starting point. In addition, the terms of the Constitution's ratification were different than those of the Confederation: for it to come into effect, only 9 states had to ratify for the Constitution.

Since it can be argued that ultimately all the states eventually ratified the Constitution, this was apparentlly a legitimate amending of the Articles of the Confederation under the rules of the Articles. If 9-12 states approved, the Constitution would still come into effect in violation of the Articles rules forbidding any other alliance between states. One of the reasons for this is that if 9 or more states formed their own alliance, the other states would become fully independent and lose the trade and defense benefits of the Confederation, and this put additional pressure on the last ratifying states.

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10y ago
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15y ago

This is one reason among many: the founding fathers realized that the Articles of Confeneration had a serious drawback regarding its mechanism of change to itself. In order for the articles to be amended, all states had to agree to the change. There were also problems with the authority of the articles to enforce its own provisions, and too much ambiguity around the individual state rights to engage in some economic, monetary and international activities.

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12y ago

It wasn't they as much as it was Madison, Madison didn't wan't too form the new government, but the people believed in this so He thought it was his obligation too support the people. this is why It came to be the new government.

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8y ago

The founding fathers realized that the colonies successful fight for freedom gave them a unique opportunity. They had the chance to create a new system of government, a republic. The first republic since ancient Rome had a republic. The founders, however, the the chance to create a new government, and not make the mistakes that other nations had made when they created new governments. They wanted and did, create the most perfect government they could to guarantee freedom for its citizens.

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11y ago

The Framers thought that the government was too weak and they wanted to give it more power than the states.

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14y ago

The Articles of Confederation caused the central government to be so weak, it could not even tax its people for funding.

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10y ago

so lt is because he wear so freash

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Q: Why did the writers of the Constitution feel it was necessary to create a new plan of government?
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