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Q: Why was bloody Mary a threat to elizabeth?
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Why did bloody mary hate Queen Elizabeth?

They were brought up in different faiths. Mary saw Elizabeth as a threat.

Is Elizabeth Bathory Bloody Mary?

Queen Mary Tudor was a Catholic who was responsible for the deaths of English protestants but the basis of the Bloody Mary Legend cannot be proved. We cannot confirm that the character in the Bloody Mary legend was a real person. Elizabeth Bathory was one person believed to be the Bloody Mary.

Who thought bloody mary was a bad queen?

Elizabeth I

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Why did bloody Mary hate elizabeth?

elizabeth is more popular than mary1

What was the name of bloody Mary's baby?

Queen Mary I of England, also known as "Bloody Mary", died childless, leaving her throne to Elizabeth I.

Why did queen Mary have elizabeth 1imprisoned in the tower of England?

She was a threat to her Catholic faith. Elizabeth was more popular than Mary.

Was bloody Mary and Queen Elizabeth of England sisters?

Bloody Mary ( Mary I) and Elizabeth I were half sisters. There Father was Henry VIII. Mary's mother was Catherine of Aragon, Henry's first wife, who was divorced. Elizabeth's mother was Anne Bolyne, Henry's second wife who was beheaded.

Was Queen Elizabeth really Queen Mary cousin if so How?

Queen Elisabeth the First was both a cousin and a sister to a Queen Mary. Her half-sister was Bloody Mary, but she did have a cousin named Mary - Mary Queen of Scots, whom Elisabeth executed when she deemed Mary a threat to her throne. Queen Elisabeth the First was both a cousin and a sister to a Queen Mary. Her half-sister was Bloody Mary, but she did have a cousin named Mary - Mary Queen of Scots, whom Elisabeth executed when she deemed Mary a threat to her throne.

Was bloody marry a better queen than elizabeth 1st?

it depends what you mean. bloody Mary tried to restore Catholicism to England, and burnt Protestants to try and get her way. Elizabeth wanted to restore protestantism, and in some respects succeeded. if you were Protestant Elizabeth was a better queen, but if you are catholic Mary was a better queen. hope that helps! PS: bloody Mary wasn't actually that bloody!

Who succeeded bloody mary as queen of england?

Queen Elizabeth the first Mary's younger sister.

How much older was Mary Queen of Scots than Queen Elizabeth?

Queen Elizabeth was older than Mary Queen of Scots who was the daughter of her cousin. Elizabeth was born 1533 and Mary 1542. Elizabeth also had a half-sister Mary (Bloody Mary).