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From your description, I am assuming you had unprotected sex. Get PROTECTION! Cycles vary with lifestyle and stress. Sounds like a normal cycle and you are being hypervigilent.

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Q: Why was my period 16 days late When it finally came it lasted for only 2 days it was also a brownish pinkish color I had sex one time and it was 3 days after my last period ended?
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What would spotting pinkish brownish discharge 2 weeks before and for a few days off and on before your period mean?

It's totally normal. It's just dried blood from your last period.

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NO. That is unusual.

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It is quite possible. You should consider taking a pregnancy test.

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Go see your OBGYN

What does it mean when the blood in your period changes?

If for instance it is a day or two before your periods and you expect pinkish/reddish discharge; its normal and if it is days after your period and you experience dark red or brownish (blood) or discharge, it is probably old blood excreting your body and its also normal. It can only be something to worry about if it has a blood smell and is continuous.

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The Persian Wars lasted for 50 years. Once it ended, the people were finally at peace.

How do you know if you get your period for the first time?

its brownish or red

What does it mean when Pinkish Redish stuff comes out of the Vagina?

It means that you have your period

You had a period that lasted for 2 days the last day of it was a dirty brownish color what would make that happen?

It is normal for that to happen. The reason is the period was longer than normal seven days, and the uterine wall and the excess blood dried up. that turns the color a browinsh color...

Is something wrong with you if your period is red and brownish black?

Not at all. Bleeding red and or brownish black while on your period is perfectly normal because when its red its just blood obviously but if its brownish black its just discharge usually occurs near the end of your period but it happens in between that's nothing to worry about :)

Is it normal to have brownish discharge when you start your first period?

Yes it is.