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The Christians of the First Crusade had captured Jerusalem and massacred the entire population, Christian, Jew and Muslim alike. The Christians now occupied much of the former Arab territores of Palestine and threatened further incursions. Saladin recaptured Jerusalem as part of a push to recover lost territories. At the end of the Third Crusade, which failed to dislodge him, he reached a truce with Richard I of England.

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Saladin joined the crusades because he was a great fighter. Also he was determined.

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Who was the moslem leader in the third crusade?

Saladin .

Who was the salidin?

Richard the lionhearted was the leader of the catholic Army during the third crusade and Saladin was his opponent. Saladin was the leader of the Islamic side of the third crusade.

Who won the third crusade?

While some concessions were made to the Crusaders, it was still a victory for Saladin.

Who was the hero of saladin or Richard?

Saladin Saladin was the bigger hero because even accounts from the Crusaders say that Saladin was kind and Merciful Also Richard The Lionheart had many prisoners killed after they surrendered

When did Saladin start the third crusade?

The Third Crusade was not started by Saladin the Ayyubid, but rather by King Henry II of England and King Philip II of France in 1189.

Did Saladin fight in the crusades?

yes,he fought in third crusade

Who successfully captured Jerusalem and prompted the Third Crusade?


When did saladin take Jerusalem in the third crusade?

Saladin took Jerusalem in the Second Crusade, specifically in October of 1187. In the Third Crusade, Saladin started off in control of Jerusalem and Richard the Lionheart abandoned his marches on Jerusalem upon signing the Treaty of Jaffa. As a result, Saladin never lost control of Jerusalem during the Third Crusade and never had to retake it.

Which crusade did king Richard and saladin fight in?

Saladin and King Richard fought during the third crusade as opponents. Saladin was a brilliant leader and Muslims admired King Richard's bravery.

In which crusade did saladin and king Richard I fight?

Saladin and King Richard fought during the third crusade as opponents. Saladin was a brilliant leader and Muslims admired King Richard's bravery.