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Q: Why was the Annapolis convention important?
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What was the purpose of the 1786 Annapolis convention?

The Annapolis Convention was held in the city Annapolis, MD therefore they called it the Annapolis Convention.

What was relationship between Annapolis convention and the constitutional convention?

the Annapolis convention called for the constitutional convention to be held.

What was the relationship between the Annapolis convention the constitutional convention?

the Annapolis convention called for the constitutional convention to be held.

What was the relationship between the Annapolis convention and the consititutional convention?

what was the relatonship between the Annapolis convention and the constitutional convention

Where was the Constitutional Convention held in the the year 1787?

Annapolis, MD - to discuss trade problems - known as the Annapolis convention.

What did the delegates at the Annapolis Convention decide to do?

The delegates at the Annapolis Convention declared slavery to be unconstitutional.

What issues were addressed at the Annapolis convention? idk who discovered the convention i Annapolis during the revolutionary periods

What was the relationship between the Annapolis convention and the constitutional convention?

They both had to do with making changes to the articles of confederation; resulted in the drafting of the constitution.

What meeting occurred in September 1786?

The Annapolis ConventionThey met to study the trade problem

What meeting occurred September 1786 what was the purpose?

a convention of five of the thirteen states, called the Annapolis convention, met at Annapolis.

Was the Annapolis convention north or south of the constitutional convention?


Was the Annapolis Constitutional Convention successful?
