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Britain and France wanted to end conflict but keep Mussolini's friendship. They were alarmed at Italy's growing military strength and did not want to push Mussolini into a friendship with Hitler as it would mean a dangerous alliance between two fascist powers. In December, 1935, British and French Foreign Secretaries, Sir Samuel Hoare and Pierre Laval, drew up a plan in the hope it would encourage Mussolini to abandon War. Mussolini was to be offered half of Abyssinia in 3 areas. The rest of the country was to be a zone of Italian economic expansion. In return, Abyssinia was to gain access to the sea through Italian Eritea. The leaking of the pact to the public resulted in an outcry. This pact was seen as a surrender to aggression and Hoare was forced to resign. This pact did not come into operation but its publication undermined the league and any confidence in the sanctions policy against Italy.

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Q: Why was the Hoare-Laval pact signed and what effect did it have?
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