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Texas v. Johnson was one of a series of flag desecration cases challenging state and federal statutes prohibiting burning or otherwise damaging a flag, as a violation of First Amendment protection of freedom of speech and political expression.

When the US Supreme Court upheld the Court of Criminal Appeals of Texas ruling overturning Gregory Johnson's conviction for burning a flag at a protest rally, it struck down the Texas statute as unconstitutional.

The following year, the Supreme Court also overturned the new federal Flag Protection Act of 1989 in the case United States v. Eichman, 496 US 310 (1990) as unconstitutional.

Since 1990, Congress has made at least seven attempts to overrule the Supreme Court by passing a Constitutional Amendment making flag burning an exception to First Amendment protection. Although House Resolutions have passed several times, the bills have consistently failed in the Senate.

The battle between protecting the flag as a national symbol and protecting freedom of expression granted in the Bill of Rights is ongoing.

In February 2009, a Sarpy County, Nebraska, judge denied a Kansas woman the opportunity to challenge Nebraska's anti-desecration law, which remains on the books despite the US Supreme Court ruling.

Case Citation:

Texas v. Johnson, 491 US 397 (1989)

For more information on Texas v. Johnson, (1989) and other Supreme Court flag-desecration cases, see Related Links, below.

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What were the court dates of Texas v. Johnson?

The case was argued before the US Supreme Court on March 21, 1989, and decided on June 21, 1989.Case Citation:Texas v. Johnson, 491 US 397 (1989)For more information, see Related Questions, below.

What law did the US Supreme Court overturn in the Texas v. Johnson case?

In Texas v. Johnson, 491 US 397 (1989) the US Supreme Court overturned the Texas Venerated Objects Law (Tex. Penal Code Ann. § 42.09(a)(3) [Vernon 1974]), which outlawed intentionally or knowingly desecrating a flag in a way that some observer might find seriously offensive.Case Citation:Texas v. Johnson, 491 US 397 (1989)For more information about Texas v. Johnson, (1989) and other flag desecration cases, see Related Links, below.

When was Gregory Lee Johnson arrested for burning the US Flag?

Gregory Lee Johnson was arrested on Wednesday, August 22, 1984, for burning a flag in protest of President Reagan's "War Chest" during the Republican National Convention in Dallas.Johnson was convicted under Texas Penal Code Ann. § 42.09(a)(3), Texas Venerated Objects Law, and sentenced to one year in prison and a $2,000 fine.His case was eventually appealed to the US Supreme Court as Texas v. Johnson, (1989)Case Citation:Texas v. Johnson, 491 US 397 (1989)For more information, see Related Questions, below.

Which First Amendment case was effected by the decision in Texas v. Johnson?

Texas v. Johnson, (1989) has been cited a number of cases, but you are probably referring specifically to:US v. Eichman, 496 US 310 (1990)For more information, see Related Questions, below.

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