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The race to the moon was a political race between the United States and the Soviet Union. It wasan opportunity for both countries to showcase their technology and power without going to war. Superior technology is important in the world's eyes because it's a reflection of higher intelligence and greater learning.

The Soviets were the first to launch a satellite into space. That meant they could spy on any country in the world without fear of getting shot down.

The Soviets were the first to launch a man into earth orbit. This showed the world that they had progressed beyond the United States who were still sending monkeys into space. A month later, NASA sent Alan Shepard on a 15 minute sub-orbital flight. It was after Shepard's flight that Kennedy committed the United States to going to the moon as a way to beat the Soviets.

The Soviets were the first to send a woman into space, 20 years before Sally Ride.

The Soviets were the first to send satellites around the Moon, Mercury, and Venus.

The Soviets were the first to land unmanned vehicles on the moon.

The Sovietswere doing a lot in space and they were doing it first. It was necessary for the United States to keep up with them in order to keep the Soviets from ruling the skies. He who rules the skies rules the earth.

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Q: Why was the first US landing on the moon so important?
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In what year was the first you.s. land on the moon?

The first US manned landing on the Moon was on July 20, 1969.

Who landed on moon first US or Russia?

If one thinks a Moon landing is the arrival of an intact (i.e not a crash into the Moon) unmanned spacecraft onto the Moon's surface, then the Russians were the first to do this in 1966 However, if one thinks of a Moon landing as the arrival and return of a manned spacecraft onto the Moon's surface then the people of US were the first to do this in 1969. No other nation has yet made a manned moon landing.

When was the first moon landing?

The first lunar landing was by the unmanned Russian Luna 2 on September 13 1959. Though the vehicle impacted, it was not a controlled descent. Luna 9 on 31 Jan 1966 was the first soft unmanned landing. Surveyor 1 on 30 May 1966 was the first US unmanned soft landing 20 July 1969 first manned moon landing. Neil Armstrong was the first man to walk on the moon the following day.

When did the US go to the moon?

The US first went to the moon with a manned mission in December 1968. The first manned moon landing was on 20th July, 1969, when Neil Armstrong became the first person to walk on the moon during the Apollo 11 mission. Five more moon landing missions took place up until 1972 when the program was curtailed.

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The moon landing was real. That it was otherwise has been an urban legend for years.

What was significant about the landing of the us spacecraft surveryor on the moon?

It proved that it was possible to make a soft landing on the moon.

Who had the first lunar landing?

As stated in the category, Apollo 11 from the US was the first craft on the moon. Neil Armstrong, accompanied by Buz Aldrin were the first men on the moon.

When did the US land on the moon?

July 20 1969 was the first moon landing, and 5 more came after that until 1972

What did the Apollo 11 mission mean to US?

The Apollo 11 mission was significant to the US because this was the first manned mission landing on the moon. The mission commander was Neil Armstrong, usually people know that name as one of the first people to walk on the moon... so hopefully that helps. It also sybolized being superior to Russia since the US won the 'Space Race' by landing on the moon first.

What year did the US send people to the moon?

1969. Apollo 11, from the United States, made the first manned landing on the Moon, on 20 July 1969.

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Richard Nixon was the President of the US when astronaut Neil Armstrong stepped from the lunar lander Eagle for the first landing on the moon. The mission was Apollo 11, and the landing occured on 20 July, 1969.

What was Russia's reaction to America landing first on the moon?

Publicly they acclaimed the US for doing so. What they thought privately is possibly different.