

Why was the us imperialism on Hawaii good?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: Why was the us imperialism on Hawaii good?
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Was it imperialism that was the US policy that was most closely associated with the annexation of Hawaii and the Philippines?

yes! Imperialism

What was Hawaii's government like before American imperialism?

It was the Territory of Hawaii with a Governor appointed by the President of the US. bascily it was a monarch..

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Why was Hawaii imperialized?

Hawaii was in a good location for the US Navy. And some American businessmen wanted the United States to claim the land.

How did imperialism take over Hawaii?

Hawaii The Age of Imperialism. The U.S. first got involved in 1875 when a treaty was signed between the U.S. and Hawaii. ... Instead, the U.S. waited 5 years until they set up a second treaty of annexation with the new Hawaiiangovernment. On July 7th, 1898, the U.S. annexed Hawaii due to war needs.

How is US history characterized by imperialism?

The US, in its history was imperialistic. They annexed many lands into their "empire" (although the US government is not an empire). A few examples are Panama, Hawaii, Cuba, and the Philippines.

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Not as good as Hawaii

Was the US being communist when annexing the Philippines?

Many would say the US was acting as an imperial power when it annexed the Philippines, not that it was being communist.

What importance did the US see in Puerto Rico?

Imperialism, the US needed colonies in the Americas to trade with that's why the US got PR, Hawaii,Guam and the other pacific islands. Plus the US did not want any European colonies in this part of the world.

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Yes, imperialism did do more harm than good in Afria.

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its real; its just not very good

What is the role of President William McKinley in the annexation of Hawaii?

President McKinley agree to the sealing of Hawaii because he was bought and paid for by big business such as Sanford Dole of pineapple fame. Outgoing president, Grover Cleveland tried to get the blessing of congress to retake Hawaii and give it back to it rightful owners, but the Money Power in the US saw to it that that would not happen. This was an era of US imperialism. Annexing Hawaii was a logical step in its time.