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They didn't want to go on an all out war with Britain

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Q: Why were colonists worried about breaking ties with great Britain?
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What was the reason the colonists declared their independence from great Britain?

American colonists did not think that they were being treated fairly by Great Britain.

What was the main reason that colonist declared their independence from great Britain?

American colonists did not think that they were being treated fairly by Great Britain.

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Great Britain

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How did the colonists respond to the Atamp Act and the Townshend Act?

The colonists were opposed to any tax imposed on them by Great Britain. In addition to voicing their opposition, the colonists also boycotted trade with Great Britain.

What problems did the colonists have with great Britain?

that they had a strict trade.

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Which British policy convinced many American colonists to want to form their own country?

Answer this question… Great Britain did not allow the colonists to participate in government.

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The Enlightenment was a major influence on the political ideas of the colonists who pushed for independence from Great Britain

What country is George mason accusing of taking money without consent from the colonists?

Great Britain

What were the reasons for the colonists' response to the Stamp Act?

The colonists did not feel it was fair to pay a tax to Great Britain when they did not have representation in the Parliament of Great Britain. The colonists felt that were being held in bondage to the crown in much the same was as Ireland.