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During World War II, the Jewish population was vehemently hated to the point of genocide by many Germans and other Europeans for primarily one reason: deep-seated prejudice. Many explanations were given by the perpetrators for mistreating and then exterminating the Jews, but it seems clear, especially with the aid of historical distance, that prejudice was the root of the hate.

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because Hitler wanted an all German race.

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Q: Why where the Jews hated so much during World War 2?
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Why does Hitler like Jews so much?

Hitler was one of the most rabid Anti-Semites in the history of the World. He did not only not like Jews, he not only hated Jews, he virulently despised and repudiated Jews.

Why did Hitler hate Jews so much 2008?

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The Nazis hated the Jews because they were different. Adolf Hitler himself had a personal vendetta against Jews which he instilled in his loyal followers. This was the basis for so much of the blood shed.

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Pretty much every culture on Earth. There are some notable exceptions, but they are few.

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yes because my whole family is Jew and so am i he hated them and pretty much killed them all

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No one can say exactly why he rally hated Jews. Of course, there are some thoughts, that Hitler's first love was a Jewish girl. And the girl ended up refusing him, and maybe that's why he hated the Jews so much. But there are many other tips.

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Type your answer here... because hitlers grandmother was raped by a Jew so he was actually quarter Jew... that's the real reason why he hated Jews

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Hitler hated the Jews because before he wanted to rule the world he was an artist and he didnt get paid very much. The Jews on the otherhand had most of the well paid jobs and that was when Hitler started to hate the Jews.

Why so much hostility to the Jews in the holocaust?

Actually, there were many stories as to why Hitler hates Jews. One story is that Hitler as a young boy, tried out for a artist school, he didnt get in, but a Jewish boy did. Another myth is that Hitler just purely hated Jews.

How significant is the Story of Anne Frank regarding the poverty that Jews suffered during World War 2?

not very, as a western Jew she saw hardly any of the much greater hardships that were suffered by the eastern Jews.

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