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because you need to make up a different one instead of putting your email

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Q: Why won't YouTube let me sign up without saying there's already a Google account associated with this email address?
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Why won't YouTube let me sign up without saying theres already a Google account ascociated with this email address?

That means you need another email address If you have a account that is already link to your email you can't get another account to link to the same one.

How do I unlink by YouTube account to my Google account when my YouTube account is deleted?

You can't delete your youtube account without unlinking it to your google account. If you did, it either already was unlinked, a bug, or not deleted

When sending video on an ipod to youtube how do you change what youtube account you send it to Because I do beauty videos on youtube and can't figure out how to change the account i send them to?

Just sign in to your other account. If you are already signed in but with another account, sign out.

How do you have two YouTube accounts?

Click sign up or whatever once you have already made an account to make a second account

Why is YouTube saying my email is not valid?

Maybe you already have a YouTube account. If you are sure don't have one, then create an alternate email for use.

How do you make a You Tube channel on YouTube?

You'll get a YouTube channel when you first sign up for an account. If you already have an account on Google, for example GMail, then you only have to choose your channel name.

YouTube account for jeannet mcurdy?

No account. Do you have one? Do you promote your channel? If you don't already, I recommend starting with the Lowcostsmm site (you can find it by google domain). You can get YouTube followers, likes, whatever you want.

I used to have a youtube account but I deleted it and immediently tried to make a new one but it says someone with my email address is already on youtube what do I do?

hmmmmmm ........ BINGO you can make another quick email account ect... or com bebo facebook all types of email acconts hope this helpped xxx----Wannabefamous----xxx

Is it possible to delete a Youtube account when the Gmail account it is connected to has already been deleted?

yes it is possible beacouse in the gmail database there are in no record of that user

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Why Wont let you use your email address say already used in twitter when i try to setup an account?

If you previously had an account and didn't change the email address before deleting your account then you can't use it again for a future account.

Can you load a credit card from a debit card?

There's nothing stopping you transferring funds from the account associated with the debit card. However - you cannot transfer more money than you already have in the associated account....