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because he is not confident when it comes to girl if u ask him out trust me he will say "yes"

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Q: Why would a confident guy stare at you try to get close to you but never ask you out?
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Because they are just plain wierd i mean i never would do that to a girl.

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not that i know of. i understand the question very much though. you are asking if there is any disease where all you do is stare. never blink never squint, just stare. if somebody finds out there is, please respond to me. i very much would like to know about this disease. if this does exist, please give me plenty information about this. i will soon be a pediatrition and i very much need to know these things. thankyou. i hope i have somewhat helped you.

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because he is just too nervous and wants you to talk to him first or he is just wierd...

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It will stare at you, or ignore you, or eat your cat.

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Their face