

Why would a guy give up the girl he likes?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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Maybe he found someone he likes more, or maybe he REALLY likes more than one person and he's taking a break from one to see if he likes the other one, and then after he gets to konw both girls, then he will make his decision. If your boyfriend dumps you for no reason, then think about it this way, your one broken heart closer to your true love!

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Q: Why would a guy give up the girl he likes?
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The girl would probably thank the other guy for telling them the info. Also, the girl would probably ask you to tell the guy that likes her that she likes him/doesn't like him. Plus, by the other guy telling her about the guy who likes her, the girl will be able to either avoid him (if she doesn't like him) or flirt with him. For those of you that don't understand the question, this is the situation: Guy #1 tells the girl that Guy #2 likes her. Guy #1 wants to know what the girl thinks of him. Understand?

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If he likes the girl who likes him, then yeah.

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It means that the guy also likes the girl and would like to go out with her.

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I would tell the guy that he needs to move on, because it seems as if the girl doesn't like him. If he really wanted to go out with the girl he would come out and tell her that he likes her.

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Well, it depends on the guy. Most guys would.

How does a girl give up on a guy?

Hmmm...well a girl can give up on a guy for different reasons sometimes the girl just decides she isn't going to wait forever for the guy to like her back, or if this hypothetical guy says that he likes her and everything but he also likes some other girl too and won't make up his mind on who he likes and then the girl gets tired of waiting for an answer, or something like that. Hopes this helps somewhat (:

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Maybe because he likes her back.

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the guy likes the girl and would like to dance with her.